Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rambling Rant

Ya know, as I was reading the Yahoo!News I was thinking about some of the stuff that comes up as "News". Now, granted, some stuff is news and other stuff is just, "stuff".

Are people really so ignorant that Uncle Sam is allowed to come in and tell them how to raise their children, or eat this, not that, or,gee golly shucks, I just can't live without knowing about?

Have you noticed? THEY tell us that WE can't spank our child for being naughty. WE can't eat bacon because it makes us fat. We can't breath fresh air because it'll fry our brains.......WHO are THEY? What makes THEM so all fired smarter than ourselves?

Why do THEY know better what's good for me than I know what's good for ME? When did I suddenly decided I wasn't smart enough to take care of myself? Did I miss a memo or something?

I mean, give me a freakin' break, folks. I have a brain. I use it, and I don't need someone from somewhere else who doesn't even know me to come in and tell me THEY know better.

Have THEY lived in my shoes, slept in MY bed, worked at MY job and paid MY bills? NO! Then what makes THEM think THEY know better than I do what is best for ME?!

Get the HELL out of my life and go do YOUR JOB, you know the one; the one WE THE PEOPLE voted you in to do? We did NOT vote you in to step in and RUN OUR LIVES for us. Ruin your own life, if you must, but don't proceed to tell ME how to live, WHERE to live, or even WHEN to die. NOT in your job description.

And some of the stupid headlines. Talk about sensationalism. BFD!! I don't care if Tom, or JLO, or Spears or anyone else farts green pink or purple. Who cares if they all wear the same outfit. What impact does it have on me? NOTHING!

If I wanted to know what color dress, or what suit someone wore, I'd write and ask, not read a very biased story.

Come on people, wake up and start taking charge of your own life. If you don't, we'll soon be like Russia was once.

You know, maybe TEXAS SHOULD leave the US and become her own nation again after all. That way, we don't have to put up with all the yo-yo's in Washington, DC. We could put up with our OWN yo-yo's and make them listen better than those in the OTHER country...