Friday, October 1, 2010

What Happened?

What Happened?
By P.J. Bedingfield

Red, black, blue, green. The colors swirled together. Mostly, it was black, with a little orange thrown in; then blessed, blissful nothing. A soft moan floated through the darkness. A blast of pain, bright light, noise! Oooo, hurts!
I waved my hand at the light. “Go away!”
“Come on, be still, you’re bleeding all over my nice clean scrubs!”
I knew that voice. It was familiar, but it was just too much trouble to concentrate. I let go and floated back to the darkness.
“She okay?” I heard someone asking.
“Doc said it was touch and go for a while, but she’ll heal and be back to harass us in under a month.”
I know those voices, but why couldn’t I place them? I sighed. The sound of material rubbing against material floated to my ears.
“Where am I?” I asked the voices.
“Shaman General, on the base. You’re gonna be okay. Just rest.”
I opened my eyes and saw a large, heavyset man standing beside the bed. A look of concern rippled across his features before being replaced by a hard, stone-like expression.
“Did anyone get the name of that truck?” I asked. I reached up to touch my head, but the man stopped me and placed my hand back on the bed.
“Wasn’t a truck, girlie-girl. Was a couple of punks, but they won’t be bothering you, or anyone else, again.”
“Oh yeah, did I knock ‘em for a true loop?”
“The man grinned, “More than a loop, I’m afraid. You still haven’t shown me how you do that little trick of yours.”
His name came to me in a flash. I felt relief wash across my mind as memories flooded my brain.
Two young guys. One white, one Hispanic; pulling a knife; demanding money, or credit cards. I refused and the fight began. I don’t remember much after the first punch. I remembered a bright flash of light followed quickly by red flooding my vision.
The next thing I know, I’m lying on this bed in a hospital on some base in who-knows-where.
I look around and spot the other person in the room. I know him, too. Jay Knall, District Super from D.C.
“What’s up? Why both of you here? Mike, did I go off the deep end again? Am I in trouble, again?” I worried my bottom lip until I tasted blood.
“Nah, nah, you’re okay. You were provoked. Jay here is just checking up to make sure you’re okay.” Mike rubbed his hands across his bald top and looked anywhere but at me.
“What happened?” I asked.

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