Thursday, December 30, 2010

Blog or No Blog?

I'm beginning to think I am wasting my time with this blog. No one but myself and a friend ever comment, so, what's the big deal?

Writer's block is no longer a problem. I've figured out how to break it and get back to writing! LOL

But, is the blog worth it? I dunno.... I'll think on it a bit more before I decide.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Now What?

Okay, class is over for this semester. Now, what to do with myself until next semester? Guess I'll keep writing and bowling and sketching. Oh jolly fun.

Work first, then feeding the critters, then me and if any time is left over, I write. Sounds like a plan to me!

Christmas is around the corner and I haven't bought many gifts. Haven't finished making them, either. Just too tired. Dern dogs fight, bite and just plain don't want to co-operate! AAAAaaaargh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Frustating with a capital F! Well, could be worse, could not have the businesses and even worse, be working for someone else! NOoooooooooo!

Well, back to the old grind.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Where Am I in My Writing?

Hmm, where am I in my writing and where do I want to go with it?

Well, let me see. Where am I? I believe I am at an empass. I really have no idea where I am, except, well, nowhere. The "want too" is no longer there. I feel like an empty vessel. Dry; hollow, with cobwebs clogging the entrance to thought, and old dry leaves clogging the drainpipe.

Maybe it is because I am trying too hard? Or could it be that I really have run out of things to write about? But, no, I have many stories to tell. Some are funny, some maybe thought provoking, but all rolling around inside me. It is just that something is blocking their passage from memory, to paper, or rather, to keyboard and screen.

Perhaps one day, hopefully soon, the blockade will break and memories and stories will once again come forth freely, like they have before. But, until that day, I will wander aimlessly thru the portals of mind and thought, waiting and watching, until the dam breaks.

Another question to ponder is "Where do I want to go with my writing?" Well, I really am not certain. I want to grow as a writer and eventually become a well known name in the literary circle of famous authors. I really do not care if I am ever recognized, although that would be nice, but rather, just hear people mention my name with that breathless wonder of awe.

Who knows, though, where I will end up in the world of writers. Wherever it is, I am certian I will obtain some form of contentment .... at least until the next fit of writing comes along.