Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rambling Rant

Ya know, as I was reading the Yahoo!News I was thinking about some of the stuff that comes up as "News". Now, granted, some stuff is news and other stuff is just, "stuff".

Are people really so ignorant that Uncle Sam is allowed to come in and tell them how to raise their children, or eat this, not that, or,gee golly shucks, I just can't live without knowing about?

Have you noticed? THEY tell us that WE can't spank our child for being naughty. WE can't eat bacon because it makes us fat. We can't breath fresh air because it'll fry our brains.......WHO are THEY? What makes THEM so all fired smarter than ourselves?

Why do THEY know better what's good for me than I know what's good for ME? When did I suddenly decided I wasn't smart enough to take care of myself? Did I miss a memo or something?

I mean, give me a freakin' break, folks. I have a brain. I use it, and I don't need someone from somewhere else who doesn't even know me to come in and tell me THEY know better.

Have THEY lived in my shoes, slept in MY bed, worked at MY job and paid MY bills? NO! Then what makes THEM think THEY know better than I do what is best for ME?!

Get the HELL out of my life and go do YOUR JOB, you know the one; the one WE THE PEOPLE voted you in to do? We did NOT vote you in to step in and RUN OUR LIVES for us. Ruin your own life, if you must, but don't proceed to tell ME how to live, WHERE to live, or even WHEN to die. NOT in your job description.

And some of the stupid headlines. Talk about sensationalism. BFD!! I don't care if Tom, or JLO, or Spears or anyone else farts green pink or purple. Who cares if they all wear the same outfit. What impact does it have on me? NOTHING!

If I wanted to know what color dress, or what suit someone wore, I'd write and ask, not read a very biased story.

Come on people, wake up and start taking charge of your own life. If you don't, we'll soon be like Russia was once.

You know, maybe TEXAS SHOULD leave the US and become her own nation again after all. That way, we don't have to put up with all the yo-yo's in Washington, DC. We could put up with our OWN yo-yo's and make them listen better than those in the OTHER country...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just thinking

I've been pondering this thing called "Publishing". Why it's so hard to get that coveted prize, a "Published" book.

Even when finally published I've noticed that publishers are asking the writers to take an "active" and "monetary" interest in getting the book published or bought, i.e.: you pay X amount and we'll pay X amount and get you published in no time.

Yet I've been told that the writer should only invest their time and talent, that a "REAL & HONEST" publisher will never ask for money. They will PAY YOU to publish YOUR work.

I have been contacted by so many different "Traditional" publishers who want to print and sell my work, but only if I am willing to PAY to have them do it for me. Something wrong with this picture?

Okay, if a TRADITIONAL publisher wants to publish my work, and they are coming to ME, why should I pay THEM to publish my work?

If it is good enough for them to want to publish what I've written, why should I have to PAY them? I thought publishers were supposed to take that risk on themselves.

Yes, I believe in my work, and I believe it will sell. Why? Because it is not your everyday type of story. How many write about the deaf or deaf relations in a hearing world?

That being said, I once more ask, "If my work is good enough to catch your attention, why should I have to PAY YOU, to publish it?

Publish America is one such publisher that bills itself s a "Traditional Publisher that pays its authors for their work." Uh uh, yeah, right.

Then why am I constantly bombarded with things such as "We will walk your book over to Disney and present it for a POSSIBLE movie deal." or "We now have agents wanting to help sell your book!" ... you get the picture, I'm sure, but it all comes with a price tag. They won't do any of these things unless YOU pay THEM. Sure, it may not be much, then when you get to reading the fine print, it says pay this much MORE and we'll make SURE you are the first! Again, I say, U huh ...

I have even been contacted by several agents who say, "We would like you for a customer. We want to represent you and your work ... You're a great author! ... for a price."

When did agents start to charge people? I was told, no, a reputable agent doesn't charge until they sell your work, then they get a percentage ... fine, then where are they?

If I sound a little jaded, it's because I am. No, I have no rejection slips to hand because I sold my first book to first publisher that I sent it too. Was it a good deal, I don't think so. Yes, they did what they said they'd do, but now I'm bombarded by "offers" of more if I want to pay for them.

I say to them, "No, thanks. I'll just keep writing and looking until I find someone I think will like my work, then I'll start collecting reject slips. Until then, leave me alone.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Life in the Slow Lane

I stopped the car and stared out the window at the stars above. Several twinkled with laughter and life, and I had to wonder, "Is there life out there? Are they looking at their stars and wondering if this is all there is?"  I shook my head and chuckled at myself. If life is out there, especially intelligent life, why would they want to come here?

The sight of a falling star gave me pause, and quickly I made a wish. Releasing the breath I didn't realize I was holding, I slowly opened the car door and climbed out to breath in the velvety softness of the night air.

I paused to listen, and found my hearing was muffled by the echo of the car noise. I stood in place and willed myself to relax, my hearing slowly returned.

Crickets called from the grass as frogs screamed from surrounding trees. Overhead cam the sound of fluttering wings. "Night birds," I thought.

Suddenly, I thought I could make out the words the night creatures were calling, "Go back, go back! Go away, go away!" I felt the hairs on my arms and head rise. An uneasy feeling ripped through me. "DANGER!" "RUN!"

I yanked on the car door, and momentarily thought I had locked myself out, but the third try made the door pop open. I threw myself inside the car and locked the doors. The pop of the lock calmed me and I laughed at the sudden fear that had overtaken me.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


ekay, the doc told me I was a diabetic, how he know? ONE time I have high numbers, all others are in normal number range. I think the last test was after I consumed way too much sweet stuff cuzz mum was in a sweet cooking stage. I can resist anything but sweets, so I'm just going to wait it out and see.

He's told me so much conflicting stuff that I'm not sure what to believe. I get tired of being told to "eat this, not that". You're getting older and the body can't handle the calories or carbs or.... so freaking what!

I'm losing the weight and I feel fine. I'm tired, but since I work for myself I expect to be tired.

I think I was doing better before I started to go to doctor.

I hate doctors and their "I know better than you," attitudes.

To hell with all of them.

Monday, June 6, 2011

My Take on today's books and maybe a tad bit more.....

In reading one of the many blogs I follow I have come to the conclusion that people will be people, regardless of age rank or serial number.

Kids will read what kids read, sometimes all the censorship in the world won't help.

You can wish for happy-ever-afters, or dark, what happened to? books. Some will like them, some will not.

Taste and tasteless go hand in hand. Just as one person thinks "treasure!" another thinks, "Trash!".

So, where does that leave us? Same place we started.

I've noticed that some of the people blatanly against books like "Chronicals of Narnia" or "Hobbitt" or even "White Gold Weilder", might have read and enjoyed such books as children or youth or YA.

Where, or when, did thier views become scewed? Why did they decided that "Disney" is bad for children, or "Tom Sawyer" become racist?

Did you enjoy these as kids, and if so, why did you suddenly change your views? What makes it okay for YOU to have enjoyed the Disney movies, or children's books, but not for your children, or someone else's children.

Who made YOU Master over what today's children read. OKay, so you can choose what your kids read, but not someone else's.

Don't tell me what I, or my kids (assuming I have any) can or cannot read. That's as bad as telling me I can't pray, or say the Pledge of Allegiance with "Under God".

You do your thing, I'll do mine. Don't tell me what I can or can not do. Don't push your ideas off on me, and I won't push mine off on you.

I don't know where you live, but I live in America, where I have the freedom to voice my OPINION, and to CHOOSE to listen, or not, to you.

Don't tell me you're right, and I'm wrong. It doesn't matter in the long run. We all have our ideas, dreams, hopes and will to pick and choose.

I'll choose what I want to read, and leave you to do the same. I'll decided what my kids read, but don't presume to tell me what I will let them read.

If you think YA is too this or too that, then leave it be, but don't presume to tell me how right or wrong it is.

That's MY opinion, and I'll stand with it.

Friday, January 21, 2011

New site

Been over at the new site putting up some stories and stuff. Kinda like it better'n this one, but I'm going to keep this one, too.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New web page

I've set up a web page for my book. I like it, and it is easy to use!

Try weebly.com and tell them PJ sent ya!