Tuesday, June 7, 2011


ekay, the doc told me I was a diabetic, how he know? ONE time I have high numbers, all others are in normal number range. I think the last test was after I consumed way too much sweet stuff cuzz mum was in a sweet cooking stage. I can resist anything but sweets, so I'm just going to wait it out and see.

He's told me so much conflicting stuff that I'm not sure what to believe. I get tired of being told to "eat this, not that". You're getting older and the body can't handle the calories or carbs or.... so freaking what!

I'm losing the weight and I feel fine. I'm tired, but since I work for myself I expect to be tired.

I think I was doing better before I started to go to doctor.

I hate doctors and their "I know better than you," attitudes.

To hell with all of them.

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