Monday, June 6, 2011

My Take on today's books and maybe a tad bit more.....

In reading one of the many blogs I follow I have come to the conclusion that people will be people, regardless of age rank or serial number.

Kids will read what kids read, sometimes all the censorship in the world won't help.

You can wish for happy-ever-afters, or dark, what happened to? books. Some will like them, some will not.

Taste and tasteless go hand in hand. Just as one person thinks "treasure!" another thinks, "Trash!".

So, where does that leave us? Same place we started.

I've noticed that some of the people blatanly against books like "Chronicals of Narnia" or "Hobbitt" or even "White Gold Weilder", might have read and enjoyed such books as children or youth or YA.

Where, or when, did thier views become scewed? Why did they decided that "Disney" is bad for children, or "Tom Sawyer" become racist?

Did you enjoy these as kids, and if so, why did you suddenly change your views? What makes it okay for YOU to have enjoyed the Disney movies, or children's books, but not for your children, or someone else's children.

Who made YOU Master over what today's children read. OKay, so you can choose what your kids read, but not someone else's.

Don't tell me what I, or my kids (assuming I have any) can or cannot read. That's as bad as telling me I can't pray, or say the Pledge of Allegiance with "Under God".

You do your thing, I'll do mine. Don't tell me what I can or can not do. Don't push your ideas off on me, and I won't push mine off on you.

I don't know where you live, but I live in America, where I have the freedom to voice my OPINION, and to CHOOSE to listen, or not, to you.

Don't tell me you're right, and I'm wrong. It doesn't matter in the long run. We all have our ideas, dreams, hopes and will to pick and choose.

I'll choose what I want to read, and leave you to do the same. I'll decided what my kids read, but don't presume to tell me what I will let them read.

If you think YA is too this or too that, then leave it be, but don't presume to tell me how right or wrong it is.

That's MY opinion, and I'll stand with it.

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