Thursday, June 23, 2011

Life in the Slow Lane

I stopped the car and stared out the window at the stars above. Several twinkled with laughter and life, and I had to wonder, "Is there life out there? Are they looking at their stars and wondering if this is all there is?"  I shook my head and chuckled at myself. If life is out there, especially intelligent life, why would they want to come here?

The sight of a falling star gave me pause, and quickly I made a wish. Releasing the breath I didn't realize I was holding, I slowly opened the car door and climbed out to breath in the velvety softness of the night air.

I paused to listen, and found my hearing was muffled by the echo of the car noise. I stood in place and willed myself to relax, my hearing slowly returned.

Crickets called from the grass as frogs screamed from surrounding trees. Overhead cam the sound of fluttering wings. "Night birds," I thought.

Suddenly, I thought I could make out the words the night creatures were calling, "Go back, go back! Go away, go away!" I felt the hairs on my arms and head rise. An uneasy feeling ripped through me. "DANGER!" "RUN!"

I yanked on the car door, and momentarily thought I had locked myself out, but the third try made the door pop open. I threw myself inside the car and locked the doors. The pop of the lock calmed me and I laughed at the sudden fear that had overtaken me.

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